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The Weekly Boost - 2.15.2021

Happy Monday!

The thought for this week is "Never Forget How Wildly Capable You Are". 

Never Forget How Wildly Capable You Are

Imposter syndrome, self doubt, and an overall lack of confidence can all add up to make us forget how capable we are. Often times, capable is an understatement! We can be so far beyond just capable - we can have advanced skills and still find our selves unsure of our worth or ability. When this feeling sneaks up, you've got to remind yourself that you are in fact actually a bad ass and very, very capable, even if that little voice in the back of your mind makes you doubt it. Squash that little voice of doubt and remember - you got this. 

Short and sweet this week, but it's a good one to remember. 

Oh and a quick note on Booster Stacks happenings this week - we're partnering with an amazing project, My Little Renaissance Girl. 

My Little Renaissance Girl graphic

My Little Renaissance Girl is a surrealist dark comedy feature film that follows Amy in modern-day Chicago as her physical world is overtaken by Renaissance-themed fanfare and clothing. While comedic, the film deals with heavy themes of mental health, body image, and how ultimately it's love that sets us free. With a women-led producing team, writer, and director, MLRG is part of the movement for more representation both in front of and behind the camera. The film represents women of varying body types and the team believes strongly in the power that media has to shape perception of ourselves and our communities.

All orders placed between now and 11:59 pm PST on Feb. 28th, 2021 with code "MLRG10" will receive 10% off and we will also donate 10% of proceeds to the film's fundraising efforts. 

If you wish to learn more about the film, check out the website here and fundraising efforts here

Happy Monday! 


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