The Story Behind Booster Stacks:
With four combined lay-offs in less than 18 months between them, one break up, plus one global pandemic, the Booster Stacks team knows firsthand that in every difficult situation, there is the opportunity for your next great chapter. We firmly believe that when you focus on the good, the good will grow.
Founders Roya and Sam met while working together in 2019 after each had been laid off from their previous roles. The job they worked together - though in different cities, provided many challenges and growth opportunities over the next year and beyond as 2020 provided a whole new set of challenges. When life brought them each another round of layoffs, they decided it was time to pursue bigger dreams.
Sam launched Sam Riane Studio in the Spring of 2020 and when Roya had the idea for Booster Stacks, it was a perfect match. Over the summer of 2020, they worked to collaboratively curate the messages for the first stack, titled “Better Days”.
We are so excited to share this project with you.
Opening up positivity, growth, and gratitude paves the way for better things and motivates while also empowering. By sharing positivity boosters, tools, and little reminders, we are helping to create a mindset flow that will bring about growth and greater good. We create impact by providing little boosts that compound with use. Sometimes we can all use a little boost.
Our products reflect our values:
Reject limiting beliefs and reject staying small.
Have faith and a deep knowing that better things are coming.
Know your worth.
Create a life you love.
Always do the right thing.
Be obsessively grateful.
Take the leap.
Be kind to others.
Be kind to yourself.
In doing these things, you are able to get to know your magic. When we are aware of our magic, wonderful and amazing things happen.
Meet the Founders:

Roya is the founder of Booster Stacks and serves as the conceptual and business side of the company. She got her professional start working in the music and live events industry. After spending several years on the road touring with various musical acts and festivals, she transitioned to focusing on experiental marketing and field marketing program management. With over 10 years experience in event marketing, she is passionate on all things experiential and a big fan of natural and wellness products. When not nerding out on side hustles, entrepreneurship, and the latest CPG trends, Roya loves emo singalongs, hiking and working out, is a registered yoga teacher, and can be found occasionally kicking butt as a local pro-wrestling show.
Sam, the creative and design lead behind Booster Stacks, is a brand marketing guru who is passionate about creativity and innovation in fast-paced environments. She has led teams to successful events and product launches. With almost 7 years of corporate marketing experience, Sam's attention to detail and creative eye lead her to where she is today -- starting up her own design and freelance marketing platform called Sam Riane Studio. Of course, there were many unprecedented paths and troubles along the way. Her perseverance, entrepreneurial spirit, and zest for life allows her to pour positivity and magic into everything she does -- which is how Booster Stacks was born. When she's not getting excited about brand building, she enjoys traveling, cooking (ok, let's be honest, eating) and practicing yoga.