The Weekly Boost - 5.17.21
Theme for the week is: If it's not a hell yes, it's a no.
Self care takes many forms, and sometimes one of the most challenging is doing less. Yep, long time over achiever and sometime people-pleaser here, in case you can't tell.
It's easy to find yourself juggling a lot of different things and still taking on more and more. Especially this year, as life seems to be returning to normal and we begin to add in more and more things. Opportunities arise, new projects or hobbies come up, family and friend obligations, jobs, school, invitations to social things that we agree to do even though we don't really want's easy to be so busy doing all the things that you forget to do things for yourself.
Before adding in more things, take stock of your current commitments under the lens of "if this a hell yes? if it's not - why not, and why did I sign up for it?". If we ask the why enough times, sometimes it can reveal interesting reasons or core beliefs.
Regardless of the deep dive - the challenge here is to consider "is this a hell yes?" the next time you find yourself at a crossroads of options.
Happy Monday.
(P.S. that last week of no blog post, well sometimes even us over-achievers need to learn to say no and rest...which possibly helped inspire this post too)